
Every CLI command supports the -l or --log_level option, which adjusts log level of the application. Set it to INFO (i.e. 20) for general information on what is happening. Set it to DEBUG (i.e. 10) for full debugging output, e.g. scherbelberg create -l 10.

If scherbelberg is used via its API, the log level can be adjusted via Python’s standard library’s logging module for instance as follows:

from logging import basicConfig, INFO

    format="%(name)s %(levelname)s %(asctime)-15s: %(message)s",


The used logger is, by default, named after the cluster, i.e. its prefix.

For additional insights and debugging output, run-time type checks based on typeguard can be activated by setting the SCHERBELBERG_DEBUG environment variable to 1 prior to running a CLI command or prior to importing scherbelberg in Python. As a side effect, this will also automatically set the log level to DEBUG (i.e. 10) if scherbelberg is used via the command line.